University Calendar 2019–2020

The Council

(Information as at 1 September 2019)

The Council consists of the following members:

  1. Chairman, appointed by the Chief Executive of the HKSAR 
    Dr CHEN, Clement C J 陳鎮仁, GBS, JP
  2. Deputy Chairman, appointed by the Chief Executive
    Mr YAO, Andrew C F 姚祖輝, BBS, JP
  3. Treasurer, appointed by the Chief Executive
    Ms CHOI, Rosanna Y T 蔡懿德
  4. 3 members nominated by the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong and appointed by the Chief Executive
    Rev Dr CHU, Wood-ping 朱活平
    Dr HO, Eddie K W 何鏡煒
    Rev Dr LO, Hing-choi 羅慶才
  5. 5 members appointed by the Chief Executive
    Dr CHAN, Terence H W 陳浩華
    Prof LEE, David K Y 李家仁, BBS, MH, JP 
    Mr LIEM, Kevin C K 林子傑
    Mr PONG, Paulo K Y 龐建貽, JP
    Ms WONG, Sandy H Y 黃幸怡, JP
  6. 7 members, of whom not less than 4 shall have experience in commerce and industry in Hong Kong, appointed by the Chief Executive
    Prof CHAN, Wing-kwong 陳永光
    Mr CHUI, Wing-on 徐永安
    Mr LEE, Arthur K 李健
    Dr NG, Jennifer C Y 伍翠瑤, JP
    Mr POON, Paul W Y 潘偉賢
    Ms SO, Ching 蘇晴
    Ms WONG, Connie W C 王惠貞, SBS, JP
  7. 2 members elected by the eligible staff of the University from among their number and appointed by the Council
    Prof LAU, Patrick W C 劉永松
    Dr TAN, Alfred K T 陳慶忠
  8. 2 members nominated by the Senate from among its number and appointed by the Council
    Prof MAN, Eva K W 文潔華
    Prof NIXON, Louis 黎藝深
  9. The President and Vice-Chancellor ex officio
    Prof CHIN, Roland T 錢大康
  10. The Vice-Presidents ex officio
    Dr CHAU, Albert W L 周偉立 (Vice-President (Teaching and Learning))
    Dr LEE, Andy S C 李兆銓 (Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary)
    Prof MACKENZIE, Clayton G 麥建成 (Provost)
    Prof WONG, Rick W K 黃偉國 (Vice-President (Research and Development))
  11. The Dean of each Faculty or School ex officio
    Prof BAILEY, Adrian J 貝力行 (Dean of Social Sciences)
    Prof CHUNG, Ronald C K 鍾志杰 (Dean of Continuing Education)
    Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Dean of Arts)
    Prof HUANG, Yu 黃煜 (Dean of Communication)
    Prof LYU, Aiping 呂愛平 (Dean of Chinese Medicine)
    Prof SNAPE, Edward 施立培 (Dean of Business)
    Prof ZHANG, Jianhua 張建華 (Dean of Science)
  12. The President for the time being of the University’s Students’ Union ex officio
    Mr FONG, Keith C Y 方仲賢

Council Secretary: Dr LEE, Andy S C 李兆銓, Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary

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