University Calendar 2019–2020

Faculty of Arts

Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Mr LO, Pui Lam 盧沛霖 (Chairman)
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Chinese), Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Prof LO, Ming Tung 盧鳴東 (Convener)
Head, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr LAM, Cheung Chuen 林長泉
Chairman, Sun Tm Lun Holdings Limited
Miss SUEN, Yin Wah Chloe 孫燕華
Director of SML Group Limited and Chairperson of Simon Suen Foundation
Mr ZHAO, Dong Xiao 趙東曉
Manager and Chief Editor, Chung Hwa Book Company (Hong Kong) Limited

Department of English Language and Literature

Mr LAM, Edward W K 林華璟 (Chairman)
Former Senior Environmental Protection Officer (Strategic Assessment), Environmental Protection Department, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Prof CHRISTIE, Stuart (Convener)
Head, Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms LEUNG, Stella S Y 梁淑儀, JD 
Programme Director of PCLL, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong
Mr TAN, Layheon
Head of Department of English (Senior), Diocesan Boys' School Secondary Division
Ms TONG, Jacqueline W X 唐文曦
Project Manager, Hong Kong Arts Centre

Department of Humanities and Creative Writing

Mr LAI, Erwin 黎一新 (Chairman)
Country Sales Manager of Hong Kong and Macau Region, Forever Living Products
Prof ERNI, John N 陳錦榮 (Convener)
Head, Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms CHAN, Joyce 陳潔儀
CEO, The Hong Kong Award for Young People (AYP)
Miss CHENG, Liane W F 鄭惠芳
Former Controller (TV), TV Division, Radio Television Hong Kong
Mr KAM, Peter 金培達
Film Music Composer
Miss KWONG, Teresa P S 鄺珮詩
Programme Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre
Mr LEUNG, Joey 梁袓堯
Actor and Creative Director of Windmill Grass Theatre
Prof LO, Kwai Cheung 羅貴祥
Professor and Director of Creative and Professional Writing Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University
Mr WONG, Anthony 黃耀明
Dr WONG, Kwok Kui 黃國鉅
Associate Professor, Director of Liberal and Cultural Studies Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University

Department of Music

Mr LEE, Frank K T 李敬天 (Chairman)
President, Tom Lee Music
Prof POON, Johnny M L 潘明倫 (Convener)
Head, Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof CHAN, Wing Wah 陳永華
Head, Centre for Creative and Performing Arts, School of Professional and Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong
Mr CHENG, Moses M C 鄭慕智, GBS, OBE, JP
Lawyer by profession and a major contributor in the public domain of Hong Kong
Mr CHOW, Yung Ping 周勇平
Chief Executive, Hong Kong Arts Development Council
Ms HO, Tisa 何嘉坤
Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Festival
Mr SHIU, Jimmy S S 蕭樹勝
Head, Radio 4, Radio Television Hong Kong
Mr TAI, Kit Man 戴傑文
Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Arts Education), Education Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Ms YAO, Jue 姚珏
Member of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council and Programme Committee of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Society

Department of Religion and Philosophy

Mr NG, Sze Yuen 吳思源 (Chairman)
Pastoral Director, Whitelity Limited
Dr ZHANG, Ellen Ying 張穎 (Convener)
Head and Associate Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof CHAN, Seguire S H 陳慎慶
Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Reverend Dr CHENG, Peter S T 鄭守定
Vicar, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, Diocese of West Kowloon
Mr FUNG, Sui Hing 馮瑞興
Principal, China Holiness Church Living Spirit College
Ms HUNG, Venus L T 洪麗婷
Senior School Development Officer, School-based Curriculum Development (Secondary) Section, Education Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Prof KWAN, Kai Man 關啟文
Professor, Department of Religion and Philosophy, Hong Kong Baptist University
Ms KWAN, Regina W L 關慧玲
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief, Sing Tao Magazine Group Limited (East Week Magazine)
Mr LEE, Lap Chung 李立中
Principal, The Mission Covenant Church Holm Glad College
Dr LI, Gordon K C 李家駿
Deputy Chief Executive, The Yuen Yuen Institute
Mr SUEN, Lai Sang 孫勵生
Director, Hong Kong Christian Service

Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies

Ms FU, Jacqueline 傅潤珊 (Chairman)
Chief Simultaneous Interpreter, Official Languages Division, Civil Service Bureau, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Dr NEATHER, Robert John 倪若誠 (Convener)
Head, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德 (Ex officio)
Dean, Faculty of Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr LEE, Kwok Kan Gloria 利幗勤
Assistant Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr LEUNG, Ester S M 梁倩雯
Associate Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof LIU, Ching-chih 劉靖之
Professor (Retired)
Prof LIU, Min-hua 劉敏華
Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Assistant Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr PAN, Jun 潘珺
Associate Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Prof SIN, King Kui 冼景炬
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, UOW College Hong Kong/Community College of City University
Dr YAU, Wai Ping 邱偉平
Associate Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr YEUNG, Jessica 楊慧儀
Associate Professor, Department of Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University


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