University Calendar 2020–2021

Tuition Fees/Programme Fees (denoted in HK$)

Undergraduate Studies

1. Local students (within the normal period of study) for UGC-funded programme $42,100/academic year
2. Non-local students for UGC-funded programme
  - undergraduate study $140,000/academic year
3. BA (Hons) in Creative Writing for Film, Television and New Media $85,140/academic year
4. BA (Hons) in Liberal and Cultural Studies $82,500/academic year
5. BA (Hons) in Music Studies $85,140/academic year
6. BCom (Hons) in Accountancy $86,250/academic year
7. BCom (Hons) in Human Resources Management $82,500/academic year
8. BCom (Hons) in Marketing
  - local students $85,140/academic year
  - non-local students $107,250/academic year
9. BEd (Hons) in Early Childhood Education 
  - part-time $2,100/unit
  - full-time $58,720/academic year
10. Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) $94,200/academic year
11. BSocSc (Hons) in Environment and Resources Management $85,140/academic year
12. BSocSc (Hons) in Integrated Communication Management $85,140/academic year
13. BSocSc (Hons) in Media and Social Communication $85,140/academic year
14. BSocSc (Hons) in Psychology $82,500/academic year
15. BSocSc (Hons) in Social Policy $85,140/academic year
16. BSocSc (Hons) in Sport and Recreation Leadership $82,500/academic year
  For UGC-funded undergraduate programmes:
17. Local students studying less than 12 units (beyond the normal period of study) $1,400/unit#
18. Special part-time (i.e. not pursuing an academic award) $4,400/unit
19. Special summer study fee 
  - local students $1,400/unit#
  - non-local students $4,400/unit#
20. Tuition fee for Conversion Programmes 
  - undergraduate courses $2,100/unit
  - taught postgraduate courses ($31,500 for project route) $3,300/unit
21. Material fee for Visual Arts studio courses (to be collected two weeks after class commences through arrangements by the Finance Office) 
  - BA (Hons) in Visual Arts 
VART1005  Visual Arts Practice I  $100
VART1006  Visual Arts Practice II  $100
VART2115  Drawing: Visual Thinking and Observation  $100
VART2135  Looking through the Lens  $350
VART2145 Sculpture: Materials and Processes  $400
VART2155 Bodyscape $750
VART2156 Interactive Art $100
VART2227 Printmaking $500
VART2235 From Liquid to Solid: The Art of Glass Blowing $1,950
VART2236 Ceramic Art: From Pinched Pot to Sculptural Form $600
VART2245 Wearables: Materials and Processes $300
VART2246 Small Metal Jewellery $650
VART2257 Prototyping $200
VART2405 Drawing: Mark Making and Collage $150
VART2406 Drawing: On Location $150
VART2446 Analogue Photography $500
VART2467 Media Arts: Physical Media $100
VART2475 Additive Sculpture: Clay and Plaster $350
VART2476 Additive Sculpture: Bronze Casting $700
VART2477 Subtractive Sculpture: Wood $400
VART2485 Subtractive Sculpture: Stone $400
VART2486 Woodworking $100
VART2487 Metalworking $100
VART2517 Screen Printing Basics $400
VART2525 Advanced Screen Printing $500
VART2526 Relief Printing $300
VART2527 Intaglio Printing: Etching $300
VART2535 Glass Blowing: Vessels $1,200
VART2536 Glass Blowing: Basics $750
VART2537 Glass Kiln-Forming $900
VART2545 Glass Casting $900
VART2546 Ceramics: Hand-building Techniques $300
VART2547 Ceramics: Alternative Techniques $300
VART2555 Ceramics: Wheel-throwing Techniques $300
VART2556 Ceramics: Surface Treatments $300
VART2557 Small Metal Jewellery: Cold $350
VART2565 Small Metal Jewellery: Hot $350
VART2566 Wearables: Pattern Making $100
VART2567 Wearables: Dyeing and Decorating $100
VART2575 Digital Tools: 3D Software $200
VART2576 Digital Tools: Prototyping $200
VART2606 Sculpture: 3D Technology for Sculpture $300
VART2607 Fibreglass Sculpture $700
VART2616 Alternative Photographic Processes $500
VART3115 Drawing: Inquiry and Experimentation $100
VART3117 Life Drawing $700
VART3145 Sculpture: Form and Applications $800
VART3157 Human Machine Interface $100
VART3225 Hybrid Printmaking $950
VART3235 From Zero Space to Infinite Dimension: The Art of Glass Casting $1,800
VART3236 From Object to Installation: The Art of Glass Kiln-Forming $1,800
VART3237 Creative Ceramics: Concept and Process $800
VART3245 Body vs. Textiles $300
VART3246 Studio Jewellery $650
  - General Education courses 
GDCV1085 Exploring Drawing $100
GDCV1086 From Kitchen to Table: Ceramics and Food Culture $100
GDCV1096 Seeing Through Glass: How it Creates Our World $250
GDCV1116 Wear Me $200

# Also applicable to non-credit bearing courses.

Tuition fees will be payable by two equal instalments, normally before the start of the first and the second semester respectively. For newly enrolled undergraduate students, the first semester tuition fee will be paid by two instalments, the first instalment at the time of registration and the balance in October. Tuition fees are non-refundable after payment. For UGC-funded undergraduate programmes, the tuition fee arrangements are as follows:

  1. Students are required to pay full tuition fees per semester during the normal period of study, regardless of the number of units enrolled in the semester.
  2. For students who complete the graduation requirements within a period which is shorter than the normal study period owing to taking overload and/or summer courses, they are still required to pay their tuition fees for the whole normal study period before they are approved for graduation.
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