University Calendar 2021–2022

The Senate

(Information as at 1 September 2021)

The Senate consists of the following members:

  1. Ex officio Members

    President and Vice-Chancellor
    Prof WAI, Alexander 衞炳江
    Provost (Deputy Chairman) Prof WONG, Rick W K 黃偉國 (Interim)
    Academic Registrar (Secretary) Prof WONG, Ricky N S 黃岳順
    Vice-President (Administration) and Secretary Ms CHOW, Christine O W 鄒靄雲
    Vice-President (Research and Development) Prof GUO, Yi-Ke 郭毅可
    Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) Dr CHAU, Albert 周偉立
    Associate Vice-Presidents Prof BIAN, Zhao Xiang 卞兆祥
    Prof HUANG, Yu 黃煜
    Dr LLOYD, Alison Elizabeth
    Prof POON, Johnny M L 潘明倫
    Prof WONG, Ricky N S 黃岳順
    Prof ZHANG, Jianhua 張建華
    Faculty of Arts Prof HJORT, Mette 樂美德
    School of Business Prof SNAPE, Ed 施立培
    School of Chinese Medicine Prof LYU, Aiping 呂愛平
    School of Communication and Film Prof HUANG, Yu 黃煜
    Faculty of Science Prof LIU, Jiming 劉際明
    Faculty of Social Sciences Prof LAI, Daniel W L 黎永亮
    School of Continuing Education Prof CHUNG, Ronald C K 鍾志杰 
    Academy of Visual Arts Prof NIXON, Louis 黎藝深
    Graduate School
    [Concurrently held by Vice-President
    (Research and Development)]
    Prof GUO, Yi-Ke 郭毅可
    Head of each academic department or equivalent body*
    Chinese Language and Literature Prof LO, Ming Tung 盧鳴東
    English Language and Literature Prof CHRISTIE, Stuart
    Humanities and Creative Writing Prof LO, Kwai Cheung 羅貴祥
    Language Centre Dr LI, Cissy Y X 李贏西
    Music Prof POON, Johnny M L 潘明倫
    Religion and Philosophy Prof ZHANG, Ellen Ying 張穎
    Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies Dr NEATHER, Robert John 倪若誠
    Accountancy and Law Dr SONG, Byron Y 宋揚
    Economics Dr WAN, Shui Ki 溫瑞琪
    Finance and Decision Sciences Prof STOURAITIS, Aristotelis
    Management Dr CHANG, Song 常松
    Marketing Prof FOCK, Henry 霍廣賢
    Chinese Medicine Prof ZHANG, Hongjie 張宏杰
    Film Prof MAN, Eva K W 文潔華
    Communication Studies Prof SHEER, Vivian C 謝淳
    Journalism Prof LAU, C K 劉志權
    Biology Prof WONG, Jonathan W C 黃煥忠
    Chemistry Prof WONG, Ka-Leung 黃嘉良
    Computer Science Prof XU, Jianliang 徐建良
    Mathematics Prof TAI, Xue-Cheng 台雪成
    Physics Prof ZHOU, Changsong 周昌松
    Education Studies Prof SIVAN, Atara 蘇秀冠
    Geography Prof WANG, Donggen 王冬根
    Government and International Studies Prof COLE, Alistair Mark
    History Prof HO, Clara Wing-chung 劉詠聰
    Social Work Prof HUNG, Suet Lin 洪雪蓮
    Sociology Prof LAI, Gina W F 賴蘊寬
    Sport, Physical Education and Health Prof BAKER, Julien Steven
    Early Childhood and Elementary Education Dr LEE, Amelia N Y 李南玉
    College of International Education Prof CHUNG, Ronald C K 鍾志杰 (Acting)
    Chaplain Rev TSE, Hung 謝虹
    University Librarian Mr CHAN, Chris 陳偉程 (Acting)
    Director of Centre for Holistic Teaching and Learning Dr KWONG, Theresa F N 鄺福寧
    Director of General Education Prof CHIU, Sung Nok 趙崇諾
    Director of Information Technology Mr WONG, Allan 黃啟超
    Director of Student Affairs Prof CHUNG Pak-Kwong 鍾伯光 (Acting)
    (w.e.f. 1 September 2021, 6-month period)
    President of Students’ Union Miss CHAN, Tiffany 陳詩穎 (Acting)
    President of Postgraduate Association Miss ZHANG, Yunhan 張韻涵 (Acting)
  2. Academic Staff Members Elected by and from their Respective Faculty/School Boards or equivalent body, and the Board of Academy of Visual Arts

    Faculty of Arts
    English Language and Literature Dr WAKEFIELD, John 莊域飛
    Humanities and Creative Writing Dr CHOW, Yiu Fai 周耀輝
    Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies Dr YEUNG, Jessica 楊慧儀
    School of Business
    Accountancy and Law Dr KO, Man Lut 高文律
    Economics Dr NG, Ying Chu 伍凝珠
    Economics Dr WAN, Shui Ki 溫瑞琪
    School of Chinese Medicine
    Teaching and Research Division Dr CHEUNG, King-Ho 張敬浩
    School of Communication and Film
    Communication Studies Dr MAK, Angela K Y 麥嘉盈
    Journalism Dr ZHANG, Yin 張引
    Faculty of Science
    Biology Prof XIONG, Liming
    Computer Science Dr CHOI, Koon Kau 蔡冠球
    Mathematics Dr TONG, Tiejun 童铁军
    Faculty of Social Sciences
    Government and International Studies Dr IP, Kevin K W 葉家威
    History Dr LADDS, Catherine Frances
    History Prof WONG, Man Kong 黃文江
    Academy of Visual Arts Dr GRASSKAMP, Anna Katharina
    School of Continuing Education
    College of International Education Ms YIP, Florence W M 葉穎敏
  3. Student Members Elected by the Undergraduate Students
    Faculty of Arts Mr CHOW, Tsz Ho 周子皓
    School of Business To be announced
    School of Chinese Medicine Miss LO, Pui Yan 盧佩茵
    School of Communication and Film Mr WAN, Cheuk Lai 溫卓禮
    Faculty of Science To be announced
    Faculty of Social Sciences Miss SIN, Hau Ting 冼巧婷
    Academy of Visual Arts Miss PANG, Choi Ching 彭彩晴
    School of Continuing Education Miss HUI, Lai Shan Emily 許麗珊
  4. Student Members Elected by the Postgraduate Students
    Research Postgraduate Student Mr CHAN, Chi On Vincent 陳志安
    Taught Postgraduate Student To be announced
  5. Up to Five Staff Members Co-opted by the Senate
    Prof CHAN, Kara K W  陳家華 
    Prof CHEUNG, Siu Yin 張小燕
    Prof YUNG, Kin Lam 翁建霖
  6. Observer
    Provost of United International College (or designate)

* Referring to the Chinese Medicine Teaching and Research Division, Early Childhood and Elementary Education Division, Academy of Film, and College of International Education.

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